Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mental Toughness : The Attitude!

Whether you think you can or think you can't - you are right.
Henry Ford
"Mental toughness is the art of taking control of your life, taking charge of the dynamics surrounding you.  No one can ever fully or realistically control the elements of luck, fate, and fortune, but all individuals have the ability to take charge of their lives and prepare themselves to face the most difficult challenges.  They can all place themselves in a position to succeed.  It is the inner strength that creates resolve and dedication, the courage to fight back from failure.  It is the understanding that achievement rarely comes without enormous hardships along the way, and that the tough can overcome this to success."-Mental Toughness A Champions State Of Mind by Karl Kuehl, John Kuehl, and Casey Tefertiller

In a world where fear, negativity, and cons are revealed it is easy to always look at the glass half empty.  Our minds are like computers and whatever we constantly enforce with our conscious actions is what we feel emotionally and physically.  People tend to worry way too much about tomorrow or next week or next year for some of us.  Face each day as it may be your last I promise life will open up to you like you never have seen it before.  Observe silence, take time to observe life’s beauty that we take for granted. Mental toughness is something that all of us can obtain with simple changes in our lifestyle as well as our thought process.  By changing the way we think and operate, we can change the way we live and ultimately our legacy as people.  The best way to look at it is how you would like to be remembered after you die.  What legacy do you want to leave?   Look at a man like Lou Gehrig whose career cut short by a terrible disease.  People will remember Lou for what Character and Attitude he showed on the field and off.  Being mentally tough means that in any situation you are always expecting for a positive outcome.  This will impact whatever you do and also the people closest to you will feed off of this attitude. Here are a few ways you can become more mentally tough. 

1.      Have Confidence in your abilities and potential, in anything you do always look at what will go well instead of what might go wrong. 
2.      Build strong Character and always stick to your non negotiable (your values/ morals) in any situation attack it with love.  Treat people with the same respect you would want from them.  Set your own bar and leap over it. 
3.      Be willing to make Adjustments. ( be open to change)  Even some of the strongest and elite people need to be open to criticism.  Everyone can get better every day; never look at yourself as a finished product but a piece of clay that you can mold into anything you want. 
4.      Don't be afraid to leave your comfort zone.  We all are faced with Fear, however if we run from those fears they will always catch up to us.  (Look at the crab, in order to grow he must leave his old shell and become vulnerable so he can find a new one)
5.       Use Visualization!   Before games, lifting, competitions, you can visualize success and then go get it.  Best part is you can picture perfection.  (while visualizing if any negative thoughts pop up STOP immediately) Some of the best Professionals use this as a weapon; you can too unleash it in your arsenal. 
Lastly, always stay positive and believe in your abilities, life is too short to hold yourself back from wonderful opportunities.  Ask yourself, What is holding me back? How do i want to be remembered? What changes can i make?  Pull up the anchor and set sail, you have control of your life no one else, go out and live it!  There is no weakness that can't be turned to strength. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Samson's Diet Plan : For Strength

1. Seven meal a day (Eat protein rich meals that will boost energy levels) * Make it quality, not just quantity.  If you are eating red meat make sure it is grass fed.
2. Make an effort to have at least 5 Fruits / Vegetables per day
3. 100 - 120 oz's of h20 per day.
4. Cottage cheese before bedtime (**loaded with casein protein: a slow digesting protein which helps speed recovery)
5. Stay away from sugar and alcohol at all costs: these lower testosterone output levels
6. Take one teaspoon of cod liver oil a day (***its and old school method but my grandma swears by it, and at 91 years old I can't argue)
7. SLEEP!!!  Probably the most overlooked part of training (you grow in your sleep and recover. If you don't get enough your body will pay the price, also try to get to bed before eleven o'clock  midnight otherwise your body cant reach full rapid eye movement, which is the deepest sleep you can have)
8. Be mindful all the time healthy eating habits (this means opting for whole grain foods, and staying away from processed foods high in fat, stay consistent)
9. Be commited work hard you owe it to yourself to be the best you can be!