Monday, September 13, 2010

Samson's Diet Plan : For Strength

1. Seven meal a day (Eat protein rich meals that will boost energy levels) * Make it quality, not just quantity.  If you are eating red meat make sure it is grass fed.
2. Make an effort to have at least 5 Fruits / Vegetables per day
3. 100 - 120 oz's of h20 per day.
4. Cottage cheese before bedtime (**loaded with casein protein: a slow digesting protein which helps speed recovery)
5. Stay away from sugar and alcohol at all costs: these lower testosterone output levels
6. Take one teaspoon of cod liver oil a day (***its and old school method but my grandma swears by it, and at 91 years old I can't argue)
7. SLEEP!!!  Probably the most overlooked part of training (you grow in your sleep and recover. If you don't get enough your body will pay the price, also try to get to bed before eleven o'clock  midnight otherwise your body cant reach full rapid eye movement, which is the deepest sleep you can have)
8. Be mindful all the time healthy eating habits (this means opting for whole grain foods, and staying away from processed foods high in fat, stay consistent)
9. Be commited work hard you owe it to yourself to be the best you can be!

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