Thursday, August 21, 2014

Every man is responsible for his own destiny

“Every man is responsible for his own destiny” – Raiden (Mortal Kombat)

Every single soul will have the opportunity to turn to God, confess his/her sins and walk from darkness into light.  I found that in 2013 and early 2014 I became way too consumed about other people.  I carried bitterness in my heart and self righteousness.   I talked more about God then I talked with Him.  Instead of seeking his kingdom I was dwelling in my own.  I was separated from the vine and I was not bearing fruit.

Christ called men and women in scripture to repent and seek the kingdom of God.  Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life.  In order to seek the kingdom we have to imitate him and grow to be more like him through sanctification.  I worried to much about other peoples walks of life instead of working to strength my own faith which was and is weak.  Christ wants all of us to seek him with a humble and gentle heart, to leave all past failures and wounds at the cross and to continue to be made new. 

We are broken pieces of a pot and he has picked us up to remold us into a new slab spinning on the rotator with his hands forming the new creation.

The quote at the top is referenced from a movie I saw as a young boy called Mortal Kombat.  Raiden is a leader in the movie who guides the mortals who are willing to enter into single elimination tournament in another world.  He articulates and imitates what the Holy Spirit is to us.  The Holy Spirit from God is a guide which encourages us to be strong and courageous but also wise. 

He said this line to Lu Kang who is consumed by his brother’s death and continues to blame himself for the loss.  We all beat ourselves up sometimes for things that are just out of our control.  We have to understand that control is a dangerous thing and too much may make us think we don’t need God at all.  We all need him through Jesus Christ and although we can control some outcomes…. we continue to walk in faith by saying I trust in you Lord knowing that the ending outcome will be good. Salvation awaits all of us and He has prepared a room for you and me. “ My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?” – John 14

With Love,
Brendan J. Micik
