Sunday, December 30, 2012

Forever Swag

Today's world lives by the Motto YOLO: You Only Live Once
Giving people an excuse to do whatever.  This world wants you to live it up and party.  What we don't always see is the eternity that is waiting for us.  Lecrae raps in one song saying, "You going to live forever whether you want to or not, some of us going to end up holy, some of us hot".  Meaning that what we do with our lives on this earth will determine how we spend eternity.

Take a look at how you are living and ask yourself if you are sowing the right seeds.

Trip Lee states in his book "The Good Life":

"We've been trained to build our lives around things that don't last.  A lot of people say, : life is short, so get everything you can while you can.  They think that's living it up, but it doesn't seem very wise to me.  That's almost like saying, This house is eventually going to burn down, so stash as much stuff there as you possibly can.  HUH? Why spend all my energy hoarding something that will eventually burn?"

Eternal life is FOREVER, I believe that it should be the focal point of our lives.  Jesus Christ offers eternal life through his work on the cross.  Spend more time getting to know him and his LOVE FOR YOU.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Adrian Peterson Motivation

Some words from All Day Adrian Peterson who's season demonstrates perseverance, persistence and heart.

"My mind is renewed by the word of God; therefore, I forbid thoughts of failure and defeat to inhabit my mind".

Best of luck this Sunday Adrian! Break the record or not, You are a positive role model and a soldier in Gods Army.


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Inch by Inch

When it comes to achieving your goals make sure you take things one inch at a time.  Don't try to achieve success in one step.  Success is the result of many steps and sometimes even taking steps backward.  Keep your goals in sight and in the big picture.  The big picture is what really matters and in order to get there you have to dedicate your time and attention to the small things.  The small things you have to do day in and day out to get you where you want.  Greatness is little things done right, stacked on top  of one another.  Consistency causes results.  Its easy for us to look ahead to tomorrow but the most important moment for your progression is ticking away RIGHT NOW.  WHAT WILL YOU DO ABOUT IT?

Monday, November 5, 2012


"Weight training has a life cycle, a first step taken but also a journey born.

The failed rep destroys, but it also creates… new possibility with new purpose and a new promise.

What was once just a barbell is now your richest natural resource…potential.

Fined tuned your abilities are sharpened with instruments to unleash this potential. 

Rebirth, reincarnation, the transfer of energy, with every refinement destiny falls closer.

Now is your time...In the act that is defined by pain and sacrifice, you have formed a partnership with your mind and body.

You have risen above and beyond your limitations, from your roots comes the instinct to reach for the sky…every day is a chance to reach for your dream."

- Rewritten by a second source, the original version was taken from an ESPN short film.  Strong words, thought I'd share.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Blood, Sweat and Tears

The other day when I was working out at the Equinox of Greenwich I had the privilege to speak with an off duty Navy Seal. The first thing you recognize about someone who is in any form of military is their presence and quiet confidence.  Men and women in service understand the principles of humility and professionalism.  Its the idea of doing your job in a professional manner.  This navy seal talked to me about how mentally tough you have to be to make it through training.  Being mentally tough is something we can translate into all areas of life no matter what your lifestyle or profession is.  If you want to be physically fit, then you know that you are going to have to push your mental threshold far enough to make it through pain periods in order to see results and grow.  

Blood, sweat and tears are what the Navy seal explained to me.  It's the sacrifice you make not just in your own mind and self but what you do for the others surrounding you and for your family.  Nothing great is ever just handed to you.  You have to be willing to work hard for your goals and to achieve your dreams.  Don't be afraid of pain and failure, its a part of the growing process and it makes us stronger people.  Remember that you have to be willing to fail in order to make strides in your journey.  

as always Faith Focus Finish

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

People Fear What They Don't Understand

Brothers, never be afraid to do what you feel is right in your heart.  Don't be afraid to fail, or to be different.  You need not to conform to that of this world.  For inside your heart and mind lies something that no one can take from you.  It's your dreams, desires, determinations, motivations and visions.  Do not sacrifice what makes you most happy for the acceptance of others.  This is your life and you should live it the way you want to live it and follow the path that God has put in your heart.  People will think many different things about those who choose to follow a God we can't see or fathom.  But its those that accept Christ in their hearts and minds that know they have the king of the universe at their side.  Humans are all alike in one way that we are all mortal and no one person can stare death in the face and win.  Christ can and he has for you.  Embrace the cross in your lifestyle and know that Christ will always love you.  

"It's easy to give into the crowd of popularity, but the strong can continue the path set ahead of them when roadblocks come along."

"When you have the limo...everyone wants to ride with you.  But when your limo breaks down...its the true friends that ride the bus with you." -Oprah