Monday, November 5, 2012


"Weight training has a life cycle, a first step taken but also a journey born.

The failed rep destroys, but it also creates… new possibility with new purpose and a new promise.

What was once just a barbell is now your richest natural resource…potential.

Fined tuned your abilities are sharpened with instruments to unleash this potential. 

Rebirth, reincarnation, the transfer of energy, with every refinement destiny falls closer.

Now is your time...In the act that is defined by pain and sacrifice, you have formed a partnership with your mind and body.

You have risen above and beyond your limitations, from your roots comes the instinct to reach for the sky…every day is a chance to reach for your dream."

- Rewritten by a second source, the original version was taken from an ESPN short film.  Strong words, thought I'd share.

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