Sunday, June 5, 2016

3 Rules for The Well-Groomed Man

 Photo by Olu Eletu

The Well-groomed man looks crisp and clean, his clothes fit well like a glove, his shoes are well shined and his teeth are pearly white. (Amy Vanderbilt 223)

Being a man and well groomed go hand in hand.  A well-groomed man understands that his daily routines dictate his confidence and well clad lifestyle.  He embraces the opportunities to grace others with his presence and knows that he should be considerate of those people he comes into contact with and practice etiquette to his utmost highest regard.  

Rule #1 

Develop A Grooming Routine: The well-groomed man has a routine he executes each and everyday in the exact same way.  Good formulated routines will cut down on your preparation time and your subconscious mind will automatically take the lead.  

Rule #2 

Brush Your Teeth After Every Meal:  If able and willing to pack a dopp kit at work fixed with a dental kit, brushing your teeth after every meal will separate you from the 99% and guarantee your teeth to be white and breath fresh!  The people with the best looking smiles are those willing to prepare everyday to have the brightest smile.  Be in the 1%!

Rule #3

Take Care Of That Nasal Hair: The Well-Groomed man will on occasion find himself in a conversation with another man or even a woman who has hair crawling out of his/her nose.  Don't be that guy/girl and make sure you take care of this daily to keep away the daddy long legs.   

It is not hard to be a well-groomed man.  It takes preparation and dedication.  Our habits will influence others to join the club. 




Vanderbilt, Amy.  "The Guide To Gracious Living" New York: Doubleday & Company, INC. 1972. Print. 

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