Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Greenwich Gangster, Stands with Swagger

In college my roommate Rich and I would use the word Gangster in many different scenarios and context.  But we didn't intend its meaning for the way Merriam-Webster defines as; violent criminal or member of group of criminals 

We used it to describe something a cool / relevant / classy / swagger

I remember one evening when Rich and I were in downtown New Haven waiting to get into an event.  We complemented the doorman on his jacket saying it was "Gangster".  His reaction was unpleasant to say the least, and added that white boys cant be gangster.  I guess he defined the word gangster different than us.  We tried to explain the swagger that the word now carried before we were cut off an quickly ushered in the front doors.

In short, I think that our words carry weight but who is to determine how to measure the weight and its worth.  I think with some words it is creative to give it new meaning!  New life!

GANGSTER did that for Rich and I, and I still use it to this day.  If I see you dressed to the 9's around town this week there is a good chance that your are gangster.

Redefine a word and redefine your life.

Faith Focus Finish


  1. I like that Bren always keep it Gangsta brother

  2. ch-ch-yeah BOI!!!!

    Chase hall for life.

