Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Technology Has Made Man Soft

A long time ago in a cellphone-less society lived real men.  
Men who were gangster.  
Men who played chess instead of words with friends.  
Men who used to call their women instead of text them.  
Men who would enjoy conversation and company.

Now it is hard to recognize a man by the way he is controlled by his cellular device.  I see it everyday, men responding to girlfriends text messages IMMEDIATELY regardless of what they were in the middle of doing.  Clowns driving and texting at the same time, putting themselves and many other people in danger.  

Men back in the day were gangster, tenacious, fierce, they were cowboys and had a warrior mentality.  They knew nothing about social networks; instagram, tumblr, mass txt, group txt, etc..  These cowboys put God and family 1st in their lives.  These men simply did not have the time for these weak, soft, delicate and facile games that these iphone drones play every day.  I heard an argument between two men the other day over a game that they had played through their iphones.  One of the clowns said that the fool he was playing cheated in words with friends.  I thought the scene was comical but sad at the same time. 

Men put on display their character in their day to day life.  I want to make it clear that I am not at all hating on the use of cellphones, and I simply comparing the qualities the men that were and the men that are. Cell phones are very useful, the give us the opportunity to reach others more effectively and efficiently.  I present the point that nothing, no matter how useful should dominate a mans world.  Balance in our every day life is HUGE.  

Tip of the day: If you think you spend a little to much time on your cellular device, today I would encourage you to put your phone in your room right before dinner.  Don't check it again until before bed, then you can address any panicking girlfriends who have to be in constant satellite all day!  Explain to them that you are simply doing this to improve the way you respond to life around you.  Friends, when we take a break from the people we talk to SO MUCH on our phones, we so much more satisfaction in the things that have been in front of us every day.  It also make the meetings with that cellphone person more abundant if you haven't been in constant satellite It is like having 1 chocolate chip cookie, you eat it and it taste great.  Try having 15 more chocolate chip cookies and tell me in the last one taste as good as the first!

God Bless!

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