Dear Friends,
I write to you today to address some thoughts I have on cell phones and manliness. This week i have witnessed time and time again friends of mine putting on cell phone clinics while in the presence of others. About 80 to 90 % of their eye contact is with their cell phone, they are mastered by whatever has their attention in the world of technology. It may be a girl or social networks regardless there is something un-manly about the behavior. This video below is a very accurate demonstration of how many men and women conduct their days putting their cell phones before their friends and people they may come into contact with in society.
Below is another accurate illustration.
This picture I just love and hope to have this pocket square soon.
Below are just a few passages i wanted to share with you that relate to this topic:
"My wife, Grace, was teaching at a women’s event, and so I took the kids to a restaurant. Sitting around us were many other families like us, with one exception. Everysingle father was either talking on the phone or responding to emails on his Blackberry throughout the meal, not connecting with his children in any way. Sadly, rather than visiting with their kids and having some fun, these daddies allowed their technological gods to rule over them" - Pastor Mark Driscoll
"Cell phones and iPods are items we carry in our hands. We bring them everywhere. They are used when driving, walking, riding a train, even when hanging around our friends. They cause more distraction than anything.Will there come a day when people don’t even need to process verbal language to sustain relationships? It’s vital that we reconnect ourselves with one another through human communication and take a break from screen-staring all day." - Sean Boswell
Lastly, I would like to encourage all of you to take a personal inventory and look at your life. Are there times where you can just leave the cell phone in the glove compartment or just turn it off. This world although broken still has so much beauty in it. I fear that we all are letting it pass by. Some of the most beautiful things come out of ugly situations, don;t miss the beauty that emerges in your life.
"Personally, I don’t long to be in the company of people who are constantly connected to someone else. And it’s not just talking to other people on cell phones. Smart phones allow people to be connected to the Internet for sports scores, news and weather updates — all at your fingertips no matter what your social situation" -Mark Glaser via:
Some more reading on the subject:
Technology is Destroying the Quality of Human Interaction
Emily Post Cell Phone Manners
Your Cell Phone Is Not Part of Your Body -- You Can Let It Go
God bless,
Brendan J. Micik
Faith Focus Finish
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