Wednesday, March 30, 2016

4 Supplements That Boost Immunity and Strength

Supplements enhance your body to raise performance.  They offer support to your systems when they come under stress.  While training the body is beneficial and necessary for a active lifestyle, it also puts a lot of stress on your immune system.  It is vital to supplement quality products to ensure you stay healthy and strong to reach your goals and dreams.  

1.  ONNIT Shroom Tech Immune with Tumeric & Chaga Mushroom. Take x2 capsules each morning with 16.9 FL OZ of Perfect Water  upon waking, usually around 0700

2. NUTRILITE Vitamin C Extended Release (Take x1 tablet daily before or after lunch with at least 10 FL OZ water 

3. Symbiotics Colostrum Plus which supports a healthy immune response and will also help you recover from your workouts faster.  

4. PERFECT Hydrolyzed Collagen which aids in digestion, joint health and will improve the quality of your hair and skin all vital for defense against bacteria and virus.                                                                            

Monday, March 28, 2016

High School Portrait: Start Painting

Have you ever scene a Mosaic Photo?

It is a photo that is comprised of about a thousand individual photos.  A thousand pictures each worth a thousand words.

This image came to me when I was looking at my senior portrait, imagining how cool it would be if every senior portrait was a mosaic.  A senior mosaic portrait picture; made up of students that wanted to be in your picture.  The traditional single photo would be replaced by thousands of students who wanted to build you up because you would do the same for them.  

I have many regrets about high school.  There were a lot of things that I know now but wish I knew then.  I wish I had someone inspire me to live each day like it was my last.
To add pictures daily to the portfolio that would make up the senior picture of me.
To be not just focused on my self but the interests of my friends teachers and peers
To make every teacher feel like their job was the best in the world
To make every student feel like their school was the best in the world
To influence a student body that encouraged one another
To impact my school with strong character and integrity
To look at every class as another opportunity to grow
To love others as Christ loved me
To speak truth
To meet and make one new friend everyday
To befriend the janitor, lunch lady and security guard.
To eliminate discouragement with a blazing fire of love.
To let my peers know that they are NOT insignificant
To let my peers know that they have greatness inside of them
To let every person know that their life has meaning, their life matters.
To know that just one heart one soul and one mind was impacted by me

That would make a masterpiece


Ways To Develop & Grow

Ways To Develop & Grow

  1. Write down what you put in your body
  2. Limit your cell phone use
  3. Encourage
  4. Drink your coffee black
  5. Accept honest feedback
  6. Don’t give in
  7. Practice, Perfect……Practice More
  8. Failure is temporary, as is success
  9. Write down your ideas, they may be divinely inspired
  10. Write down your dreams, they may hold directions
  11. Love, Love, Love
  12. Smile……..More!
  13. Greet people by their name, (I.e. Name Tags)
  14. Make your bed
  15. Correct your posture
  16. Correct your breathing
  17. Have Faith
  18. Stay Focused
  19. Finish the race.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Power Of Thr33

Three (3) is a very common number in the world we live in
TIME (Past, Present, Future)
SPACE (Height, Width, Depth)
MATTER (Solid, Liquid, Gas)

THE NUMBER OF DIVINE PERFECTION. The Trinity consists of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There are three qualities of the universe: Time, Space, and Matter. To exist (except for God) all three are required. Each quality consists of three elements. Therefore, we live in a trinity of trinities (Matt Slick, 2016) 
Samuel is called by the Lord 3 times before he realizes it and answers. Satan tempts Jesus 3 times before giving up. It is on the third day of creation that Earth is made. The placard on the Cross is written in 3 languages. Jesus raised 3 people from the dead, Lazarus, a widow’s son, and the daughter of a man named Jairus.(FLAMEHORSe, 
Peter Denies Jesus Three Times 
Three Nails Were Used In the Crucifixion
Three Were Crucified (Jesus, Thief 1, Thief 2) 
Jesus Was Raised Three Days Later 

From the truths I see in God's word and in creation I believe that three is a number of completion.  It is a number that God clearly established as significant.  

I know that I have had confirmations come in threes in my own life.  I use the number for encouragement and edification 

When I meet someone knew I say their name three times in my head to remember.

Three Times Charm

Rocks Paper Scissor

I encourage you to examine where the number three may be apparent in your life and if it holds any significance to you.  


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Remember Me

"But now, thus says the Lord, your Creator, O Jacob,And He who formed you, O Israel,“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;I have called you by name; you are Mine" 

Isaiah 43New American Standard Bible (NASB)

There is power in your name.  How great is the feeling when you meet someone at the gym or at work for the first time and when you see them again a few days later they call out your name, "BRENDAN!" passing by.  I know for me it always makes me smile.  I had always felt bad when I met someone and could not remember their name.  It's terrible when someone knows your name and you forgot theirs....that is when you return the greeting with a "What's Up My Man!" 

Now, whenever I meet someone  for the first time I make sure I write down a note in my phone or in my log so I will not forget.   

When you remember someone's name, it shows...
1. That you have a good memory
2. You value them 
3. You connected 

Next time you meet someone new, remember their name so you will be ready to call it out when you see them again.