Monday, March 28, 2016

High School Portrait: Start Painting

Have you ever scene a Mosaic Photo?

It is a photo that is comprised of about a thousand individual photos.  A thousand pictures each worth a thousand words.

This image came to me when I was looking at my senior portrait, imagining how cool it would be if every senior portrait was a mosaic.  A senior mosaic portrait picture; made up of students that wanted to be in your picture.  The traditional single photo would be replaced by thousands of students who wanted to build you up because you would do the same for them.  

I have many regrets about high school.  There were a lot of things that I know now but wish I knew then.  I wish I had someone inspire me to live each day like it was my last.
To add pictures daily to the portfolio that would make up the senior picture of me.
To be not just focused on my self but the interests of my friends teachers and peers
To make every teacher feel like their job was the best in the world
To make every student feel like their school was the best in the world
To influence a student body that encouraged one another
To impact my school with strong character and integrity
To look at every class as another opportunity to grow
To love others as Christ loved me
To speak truth
To meet and make one new friend everyday
To befriend the janitor, lunch lady and security guard.
To eliminate discouragement with a blazing fire of love.
To let my peers know that they are NOT insignificant
To let my peers know that they have greatness inside of them
To let every person know that their life has meaning, their life matters.
To know that just one heart one soul and one mind was impacted by me

That would make a masterpiece


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