Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Power Of Thr33

Three (3) is a very common number in the world we live in
TIME (Past, Present, Future)
SPACE (Height, Width, Depth)
MATTER (Solid, Liquid, Gas)

THE NUMBER OF DIVINE PERFECTION. The Trinity consists of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There are three qualities of the universe: Time, Space, and Matter. To exist (except for God) all three are required. Each quality consists of three elements. Therefore, we live in a trinity of trinities (Matt Slick, 2016) 
Samuel is called by the Lord 3 times before he realizes it and answers. Satan tempts Jesus 3 times before giving up. It is on the third day of creation that Earth is made. The placard on the Cross is written in 3 languages. Jesus raised 3 people from the dead, Lazarus, a widow’s son, and the daughter of a man named Jairus.(FLAMEHORSe, 
Peter Denies Jesus Three Times 
Three Nails Were Used In the Crucifixion
Three Were Crucified (Jesus, Thief 1, Thief 2) 
Jesus Was Raised Three Days Later 

From the truths I see in God's word and in creation I believe that three is a number of completion.  It is a number that God clearly established as significant.  

I know that I have had confirmations come in threes in my own life.  I use the number for encouragement and edification 

When I meet someone knew I say their name three times in my head to remember.

Three Times Charm

Rocks Paper Scissor

I encourage you to examine where the number three may be apparent in your life and if it holds any significance to you.  


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