Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Grass Is Green If You Water It

Photo By
Sujan Sundareswaran

"The grass is green if you...

...Water it!

The element which brings life.  "Water" 

We need it too!

It doesn't mater how strong you are.  

Your body is a machine that can only thrive if it is nourished properly.  

Water is the oil and food is the gasoline.  With out the oil you will burn out.  

If you want to be green and vibrant, it is imperative that you drink at least 100 ml of water a day.  I don't care what your body weight is or how tall you are.  At least 100 ml per day.

Drinking more water will;
-lubricate your joints
-saturate your skin
-increase energy
-increase focus
-promote sound sleep

If you decide to water it, you will look like a major league infield on opening day.... instead of a dead burnt out lawn that is destroyed. 

The Grass Is Green If You Water It! 


Friday, April 22, 2016

Want To See Gains? Start With the Mind

Start With the Mind

I believe that in order to grow physically, financially, spiritually, etc.  First you must grow mentally. 

Author of Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill Said “Whatever the mind can believe and conceive the mind can achieve”. 

It starts with the Mind!

You see growth in the gym when you can mentally overcome the barriers you set

You see growth in your spiritual life when you mentally decide to open your Bible and follow Jesus Christ 

You see growth financially when you mentally decide to invest in education 

If you can do 0 or 1 pull up today.  Accept it and then mentally decide to do something about it.  


Take authority of your mind.  

You say today I can get 1 pull up but next week I will get 2, and next 3, and so on.  

Your mental decisions will overflow into the areas you want to see gains 

Your decisions will impact your attitude and people will take notice.  

Every choice you make will be a reflection of the person you want to become.  The people who DECIDE to be great are the ones willing to PT their brain just as they do their bodies. 

It’s up to you. 

Break that Mental Sweat today and see the GAINS!

Next time Grandma asks how your know you can say I'm making gains! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Dr. Jesus: The Divine Physician

Dr. Jesus: His Guide to Building an Eternal Temple and Unshakable Faith in 30 days Today, Tomorrow, Forever! 

Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Dr. Drew...and many other doctors who have beneficial advice.  On the other hand, Jesus Christ the prince of peace, the author of life, the miracle maker, the Nazarene, the wonderful counselor, our God who was, and is, and is to come! 

In High School and College I battled Anxiety I Battled Depression.  I remember searching, looking, digging for answers.  Hoping to find a remedy, a coping mechanism, a prescription that would heal my self inflicted hardships.  I indeed felt like the woman from the Gospel according to Mark read below;
"And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering. At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, Who touched my clothes?”  “You see the people crowding against you,” his disciples answered, “and yet you can ask, ‘Who touched me?’ But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it.Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth. He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”

First we are introduced to a woman who had been suffering for many years.  She had little hope left in her life after being let down time and time again.  
Second, the author Mark states "When she heard about Jesus".  Hope was renewed in this woman after hearing the track record about Jesus.  Her faith in Him healed her.  
I too had been searching for answers and coping solutions for many years as well.  Only to be lead to another dead end leading me back to search for more.  When I had heard about Jesus I knew that He was the Answer.  I felt in my heart a peace that was ready to burn up all that was stealing my joy. 


In the Bible the number three is a number representing COMPLETION.  (3 Days, 3 Nails, 3 Denials)
We see I AM three times here in his words reminding us that he is the God of Israel who said to Moses from the burning bush tell my people I AM.

I assure you that God knows your struggles and he knows your pain.  The Bible tells us that he knows how many hairs are on our heads.  He knows what you will ask him before you do.  He wants to heal you.  He wants to give you Joy and to give you Life!  He is alive and well and ready for you to just touch his garment to receive what he has for you.  If you ask him if he is willing, I have faith you will hear "I AM".  

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

"I Am The Way, I Am The Truth, I Am The Life"

Read the Holy Bible, there are countless examples where Jesus Christ released healing power. Jesus healed the paralytic man who was in the temple. Additionally, Jesus healed the blind man and also removed evil spirits from many people. With Jesus's role as the Divine Physician and as the healer of all, why are other people even seeking alternative ways of healing?

Have Faith! 

Faith is THE component and essential part of Jesus Christ’s healing power. Many people are not healed, because they don't have the faith to understand that they will be healed. Jesus Christ heals in His Name. Through His Name all are made whole by accepting the sacrifice he made with His Body and His Blood as an everlasting gift for everyone. If someone wishes to be healed, all they need to have is faith. It is as simple as that.

Mustard Seeds

Having faith is easier said than done for some. It is easy to have faith in the pews of the church. There you are surrounded by the wonderful words Jesus Christ from the Gospel, a celestial choir, faithful parishioners, and the priest guiding faith. Many people find that the thing that they found bolstered in the church, soon diminishes when they face real life situations. For example, a sick person may pray fervently inside the church on the pew. However, during the week when the same person goes to the hospital and he is facing surgery, he may not have the same faith.

Why is that? This person was praying in the pew, therefore, he is a believer so he must have faith right? The answer is yes. However, this faith is being tested. This is exactly what Jesus Christ meant when He told His disciples that if they had the faith the size of a mustard seed then they could move mountains. Many people find it easy to have faith when it is not being tested. The minute that this faith is tested, they feel unsure not so much unsure about their faith. Rather, they are unsure about whether or not they could put it into practice.

By His Stripes We ARE HEALED 

If we truly believe that we are faithful disciples of Jesus Christ that we must also believe that we are healed by His Most Holy Wounds. Jesus Christ came to save everyone from sin. In doing so, He acquired wounds through scourging at the pillar and carrying His cross to Calvary. These very wounds, for which Jesus bled, are salve for our illnesses. The key is to believe that they truly are. Additionally, we must also believe that through Jesus's Name, we could become healed.

Jesus Christ as the Divine Physician is the healer of all. He uses the knowledge from God His Father to heal magnificently. If we believe that we can be healed then we will be. Jesus Christ left the power of healing to all believers. That same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in us!  If we believe and claim God’s promises through his Son and the POWER of the Holy Spirit we can say to the mountain move…….and it will!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Knock Out Sickness, Become Superhuman

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to never have to worry about getting sick again? Believe it or not there are proactive ways to prevent illness caused by those pesky viruses and bacteria that surround us all. There are three gateways in which a virus or bacteria enter the body. Those gateways are the eyes, nose and the mouth.

The most common method of delivery of these viruses and bacteria are the hands. In fact 80% off all the infectious diseases known to us are passed on by indirect or direct human contact, and the hands are generally that main contact source. The human hand comes into contact with bacteria and germs thousands of times a day, and some of this bacteria and germs lead to illnesses that could be avoided by simply following these tips.

Wash Your Hands 

Washing hands often and correctly can significantly lower chances of getting sick. It takes twenty seconds to adequately wash your hands, using a good antibacterial soap making sure to get in between each finger, the top of the knuckles at under the fingernail bed at least one time. According to the CDC, a good rule of thumb is to sing “Happy Birthday” twice to ensure your hands are effectively clean.

Keep Your Hands Away From Your Face

Because the eyes are one of the three gateways in which bacteria and viruses enter the body, avoid rubbing or scratching your eyes, especially after contact with everyday surfaces or objects. The bacteria that lurks on the human hand is easily transferred into the delicate tissue that surrounds the eyes.

Refrain from touching or rubbing your nose. The nose, another gateway for the invasion of bacteria and viruses, contains hairs that act as a sort of air filter that traps bacteria, dirt, and viruses we breathe in daily. These bacteria and viruses are then expelled from the body through blowing the nose, sneezing or swallowing, but when you are repeatedly touching or rubbing your nose the amount of bacteria that makes it way into the nasal passages greatly increases.

Another no no is putting your fingers in or around your mouth. The bacteria and other germs that are responsible for strep throat and other bacterial infections are most commonly transferred from the hands via the mouth. Bacteria as well as most germs grow rapidly in the moist warm environment the human mouth. So it is just common sense that preventing sicknesses like strep throat, colds, flu and other bugs means keeping your hands away from your mouth.

Bottom Line 

If you keep your hands and fingers away from and out of your mouth, nose and eyes, you will significantly not only lower your chances of becoming sick, you just might discover the keys to never getting sick again. 


Friday, April 15, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Endure Hardship, Embrace Discipline"

noun  hard·ship \ˈhärd-ËŒship\
something that causes pain


noun  dis·ci·pline \ˈdi-sÉ™-plÉ™n\
training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character

Definitions retrieved from Merriam-Webster

Endure Hardship, Embrace Discipline.  This came to me when I was reading Hebrews Chapter 12 today on the train back from Grand Central Station.  The writer Paul encourages us to not shy away from these things.  He explains that hardship and discipline is for our good.  That God the father allows us to experience these short times of unpleasant circumstances in order to produce an even greater crop afterwards.  

Helen Keller said "There are no shortcuts to any place worth going"
You have to grasp and understand that your dreams are not going to be handed to you.

You are going to have to endure hardships.

You are going to have to embrace the disciplines that will launch your success.

You are going to have to drown out that voice that wants you to not just take the short cut but ultimately give up.

You have to be willing, patient and diligent in finding the path that leads you to your dream.

You must start now, why wait?

You have what it takes!

Your Father In Heaven Says So

You Were Made In His Image


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Bridges Are Not Built Overnight: 4 Steps To Progression

Taking the first step is always the most difficult part.  You have to create a tough decision and keep motivated to stay on focus.  But what if taking those small steps can lead to bigger outcomes?  Would you be more willing to take those steps?  It may sound impossible for someone to make a considerable impact in the society by taking those small steps; however, taking that small initial step can lead to a series of positive events in our health, relationship, financial status, careers and others.  This process is referred to as the “Domino Theory”.  The evidence of the Domino Theory can be found throughout the history.  It is that single hope of the student that stood in the Tiananmen Square that brought encouragement to all people.  It is the refusal of Rosa Park to surrender her bus seat that led to the civil rights.

 Small Steps towards Health, Encouragement, and Hope

Just like the dominos where the energy applied on the first domino will be transferred to the next domino, the series of taking small steps will also work the same way.  Just to make it clear, taking the simple step towards health, hope and encouragement will never be that simple in the beginning.  But after you managed to stay dedicated and motivated, then the succeeding steps will be a lot simpler.


Being minimalistic does not only specify the things that you possess.  Getting rid of the excess baggage in your life also signifies the other areas of your life such as getting rid of the clutters inside your house, eliminating unnecessary obligations which will lead to a more productive family relationship, encouragement to get rid of unhealthy foods and eating habits to optimize your health and minimizing your spending plans which hope to eradicate your debts and build your financial standing.


Taking the small step does not really mean opting for the simple choices, but it is being aware of it.  You must be able to analyze yourself and recognize your priorities in life.  Upon knowing the things that are most essential to you, you will start to make clear choices.  The sense of awareness can be the focal point of your decision making toward a day that is healthy, full of hope and encouragement.

The Domino Effect

Taking the small steps can lead to bigger things.  Taking the stairs as a form of exercise can eliminate your expenses on costly gym equipment and membership, savings on gym membership can lead to saving more money, saving money can get you out of debt and create a better credit standing, no debt means less stress in financial aspect, and less stress means more freedom. More freedom will give you the chance to do the things you want, and doing the things you want will give you contentment and happiness in life.  This clearly shows that taking those small steps will be able to produce a life that is healthy and filled with hope and encouragement.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

One Day

One Day

24 Hours

1440 Minutes 

86,400 Seconds 

It takes One Day to change your life. 
It takes One Day to turn it all around.
Imagine if everyone in the world decided today would be that "One Day"  

It starts with us...right now!
Every decision we make is shaping our future and the people in our midst.
Every time we decide to be passive 
Every time we decide to ignore the oppressed
Make tomorrow your today
Make next time THIS TIME   

In the song One Day by Matisyahu, he hammers home HOPE.  Hope that One Day the world will be a much different place.  A place of peace, A place of freedom, No condemnation 


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Dear High School Self

Dear High School Self,

This is a time in your life where your sole role is to learn as much as you can and to develop into the best person you can be. This is not a time to worry about what other people think about you, rather a time to thrive. Five days of week you are surrounded by students like yourself who are choosing which paths to walk down.  There are paths that lead to life and others that lead to destruction.   

Be nice to your family. Honor your mother and Father. Make strong efforts to love the people that you see daily.  Love conquers all things.  I wish I had loved more in high school.  The people that are hardest to love are more often than not the ones who need our love the most.    

Don’t worry about the future.  Today is a present, open it up and shine that light on your gift.  Take control, take ownership.  There are 1440 Minutes in a day, how will you spend each one.  I encourage you to win each minute.  I believe that breaking up days, hours minutes into smaller pieces helps us to have small victories.  Victories are important regardless of how big or small, so chalk up more wins frequently.  Work hard and smart! Stay true to your beliefs and begin to develop your non negotiable truths (Things That Your Will Not Compromise)

Follow your day dream. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing and what they will think of you. If you enjoy something, even if it’s unusual, go for it!  There are people in life who love you for who you are and not for what you can give them, cultivate those relationships and strengthen them.   

Don’t change who you are to impress anyone. You will attract people just like yourself, both in friendships and relationships. Always remember, there’s truly someone for everyone. If you’re a positive influence to be around, you will never be alone.

In regard to relationships, don’t waste your time on someone who isn't right. If you don’t see a future with someone, step away.  Your pursuit of a woman’s heart should be for the right reasons and not for personal gains. 

When it comes to fashion / style, wear what you like and don’t worry about what everyone else is wearing.  Pick a person you admire and try to emulate them.  I loved Humphrey Bogart’s style and tailored my own wardrobe to be similar.

Your skin sucks in high school, but it will clear up soon enough. Just take care of yourself, eat healthy and moisturize.  Drink water NOT soda.

WEAR SUNSCREEN! Don’t burn, because if you do every person you come across that day will make sure you know that you are sun burned. 

Search for a mentor and plan on meeting once per week, bonus if your mentor is your teacher and you have privilege of meeting daily.

Accept that life is not always peaches and cream, but the road you walk leads to greatness.  You are not alone.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Samson Strength

When the philistines had captured Samson and cut his hair they had thought that they had taken away his strength.  They praised their false God's for delivering Samson to them.  Little did they know that the strength that Samson received was from the God of Israel.  When the SPIRIT of the Lord came upon Samson he received divine power.  The same goes for all of God's sons and daughters.  

When they stood him among the pillars, 26 Samson said to the servant who held his hand, “Put me where I can feel the pillars that support the temple, so that I may lean against them.” 27 Now the temple was crowded with men and women; all the rulers of the Philistines were there, and on the roof were about three thousand men and women watching Samson perform. 28 Then Samson prayed to the Lord, “Sovereign Lord, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.” 29 Then Samson reached toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood. Bracing himself against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other, 30 Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it
Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Faith Focus Finish Book Coming Soon

I believe that we all have a book inside of us, because we all have a story.
It is your story that connects you with your friends and family.  Stories spark so many different emotions and they teach great lessons.  It is important for our stories to be heard.  It is important for you to know that your story matters.  That you are appreciated and that you have greatness inside of you.  History (His Story) is being written every minute every second, and He wants you to be apart of it.  He is calling you from the bench to get in the game.  Not tomorrow, not next week, but right now.  Accept His call and now go an do something about it....affirm that you are made in His image and walk in the authority that was granted back to you.  

I am currently working on a book that will be done before January 1st 2017.  I thought starting with a cover would give me the motivation and accountability to finish.  Below is the cover of the book.  My hope is to impact the world.  To impact hearts, souls and minds.  

Love The Products You Use? Become An Affiliate

Affiliate marketing is all about marketing for another company. Often, the best affiliate marketers are those who already have used the product and can provide incredible testimonials. Consumers listen to testimonials more than they listen to the advertising coming directly from the company, and this can work to your advantage.

A variety of different industries participate in affiliate marketing. Programs are offered by web designers, online casinos, binary option traders, big coin exchange websites, and a ton of different e-commerce platforms. Amazon is known for having a strong affiliate program, as does ONNIT Nutrition. located in Austin Texas.

How are you able to become an affiliate?

Becoming an affiliate is actually easier than you might think. Once you find a company that you want to support, you sign up on their website. They will provide you everything that you need, including links, graphics, and everything else. You can then place these onto your website or blog as a way of promoting. As for getting paid, this varies based upon whether you are getting a commission or they are paying you per click to their website. You may get paid monthly or quarterly.

How involved you get with the affiliate marketing is entirely up to you. You may want to simply place a graphic on your website and hope that people click on it. You can also dedicate an entire website or page to the affiliate; provide testimonials, videos on how it works, and much more. Get creative so that when people land on the page, they are more likely to click on the link.

The link has been especially designed for you. This essentially means that when someone clicks on a link from your website, you are given credit for any kind of sales that the person generates on the particular website. Commissions will vary depending upon the affiliate program, though the average commission is around 5%. This means that you would get 5% of however much the person spends on the business website. If they purchase $100 worth of products, you would get five dollars.

As you can see, this could add up very quickly for you – and the only thing that you are doing is creating some content that stays on the website. You can continue to make updates and market yourself, though this generally doesn't take a lot of time.

You don’t have to stick with just one affiliate program, either. You may want to support multiple products across multiple blogs and/or website pages. The more affiliate programs you have going, the more potential income you could have coming in.

If you love specific products and they have an affiliate program, it only makes sense to get involved in affiliate marketing because your passion for their products may help to make you some extra income on a monthly basis.