Tuesday, April 19, 2016

"I Am The Way, I Am The Truth, I Am The Life"

Read the Holy Bible, there are countless examples where Jesus Christ released healing power. Jesus healed the paralytic man who was in the temple. Additionally, Jesus healed the blind man and also removed evil spirits from many people. With Jesus's role as the Divine Physician and as the healer of all, why are other people even seeking alternative ways of healing?

Have Faith! 

Faith is THE component and essential part of Jesus Christ’s healing power. Many people are not healed, because they don't have the faith to understand that they will be healed. Jesus Christ heals in His Name. Through His Name all are made whole by accepting the sacrifice he made with His Body and His Blood as an everlasting gift for everyone. If someone wishes to be healed, all they need to have is faith. It is as simple as that.

Mustard Seeds

Having faith is easier said than done for some. It is easy to have faith in the pews of the church. There you are surrounded by the wonderful words Jesus Christ from the Gospel, a celestial choir, faithful parishioners, and the priest guiding faith. Many people find that the thing that they found bolstered in the church, soon diminishes when they face real life situations. For example, a sick person may pray fervently inside the church on the pew. However, during the week when the same person goes to the hospital and he is facing surgery, he may not have the same faith.

Why is that? This person was praying in the pew, therefore, he is a believer so he must have faith right? The answer is yes. However, this faith is being tested. This is exactly what Jesus Christ meant when He told His disciples that if they had the faith the size of a mustard seed then they could move mountains. Many people find it easy to have faith when it is not being tested. The minute that this faith is tested, they feel unsure not so much unsure about their faith. Rather, they are unsure about whether or not they could put it into practice.

By His Stripes We ARE HEALED 

If we truly believe that we are faithful disciples of Jesus Christ that we must also believe that we are healed by His Most Holy Wounds. Jesus Christ came to save everyone from sin. In doing so, He acquired wounds through scourging at the pillar and carrying His cross to Calvary. These very wounds, for which Jesus bled, are salve for our illnesses. The key is to believe that they truly are. Additionally, we must also believe that through Jesus's Name, we could become healed.

Jesus Christ as the Divine Physician is the healer of all. He uses the knowledge from God His Father to heal magnificently. If we believe that we can be healed then we will be. Jesus Christ left the power of healing to all believers. That same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in us!  If we believe and claim God’s promises through his Son and the POWER of the Holy Spirit we can say to the mountain move…….and it will!

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