Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Dear High School Self

Dear High School Self,

This is a time in your life where your sole role is to learn as much as you can and to develop into the best person you can be. This is not a time to worry about what other people think about you, rather a time to thrive. Five days of week you are surrounded by students like yourself who are choosing which paths to walk down.  There are paths that lead to life and others that lead to destruction.   

Be nice to your family. Honor your mother and Father. Make strong efforts to love the people that you see daily.  Love conquers all things.  I wish I had loved more in high school.  The people that are hardest to love are more often than not the ones who need our love the most.    

Don’t worry about the future.  Today is a present, open it up and shine that light on your gift.  Take control, take ownership.  There are 1440 Minutes in a day, how will you spend each one.  I encourage you to win each minute.  I believe that breaking up days, hours minutes into smaller pieces helps us to have small victories.  Victories are important regardless of how big or small, so chalk up more wins frequently.  Work hard and smart! Stay true to your beliefs and begin to develop your non negotiable truths (Things That Your Will Not Compromise)

Follow your day dream. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing and what they will think of you. If you enjoy something, even if it’s unusual, go for it!  There are people in life who love you for who you are and not for what you can give them, cultivate those relationships and strengthen them.   

Don’t change who you are to impress anyone. You will attract people just like yourself, both in friendships and relationships. Always remember, there’s truly someone for everyone. If you’re a positive influence to be around, you will never be alone.

In regard to relationships, don’t waste your time on someone who isn't right. If you don’t see a future with someone, step away.  Your pursuit of a woman’s heart should be for the right reasons and not for personal gains. 

When it comes to fashion / style, wear what you like and don’t worry about what everyone else is wearing.  Pick a person you admire and try to emulate them.  I loved Humphrey Bogart’s style and tailored my own wardrobe to be similar.

Your skin sucks in high school, but it will clear up soon enough. Just take care of yourself, eat healthy and moisturize.  Drink water NOT soda.

WEAR SUNSCREEN! Don’t burn, because if you do every person you come across that day will make sure you know that you are sun burned. 

Search for a mentor and plan on meeting once per week, bonus if your mentor is your teacher and you have privilege of meeting daily.

Accept that life is not always peaches and cream, but the road you walk leads to greatness.  You are not alone.

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